We are software engineers.
Its task is to correctly and attractively present information in the structure and format that is most suitable for the end user. It implements, for example, application design, layout of elements with respect to the user experience (UX), fonts used, responsiveness (support for mobile devices) and the like.
The business layer is the core of the application. In this layer, all application data is collected and processed, mostly based on inputs from the data layer, or even external sources. It contains the definition of rules for data processing based on business logic, user needs, or other specific rules. After processing and transformation, the data is ready to be displayed on the presentation layer, or to be provided via application endpoints by another system (eg via an API interface).
In addition, all processes that users use within the application are defined at this level.
The lowest layer of the whole model. This layer is created by a combination of data tools, data access components, and service agents. Provides data handling and basic data-functional operations such as data storage, selection, aggregation, preprocessing, integrity and audit. Defining the correct architecture for this layer is important for the fast operation of the entire application. Efficiency will be particularly evident in the long term, as the volume of stored data is constantly increasing over time.